Corporate Power Purchase Agreements.

Zero-cost system.

We're renting the roof of your company, offer a discount on the current price of your bill and build a photovoltaic plant on your company's property for free.
Number One
Conclude two contracts with us:
1. an energy purchase contract (termination possible every month)
2. a roof use contract (20 years)
Number two
We build a photovoltaic system at no cost to you on the company premises at our own expense.
Number three
You can use the plant's green energy during the day at a discounted price.

Number four
Within the contract period, the plant belongs to Winsol. After the contract period, the plant is yours for 1€.
We're calculating the discounted price up to 40% based on the average bill price of the last 12 months.
1. During the day you use the energy of the plant and no longer the energy of your current supplier..

2. Instead of using grey electricity, you now receive green electricity.
A discount of up to 40% on the energy produced by the plant
A rent for the roof
After the contractual period, the plant is yours for free
To whom is the offer addressed?
Companies with an annual consumption starting from 75.000 kWh.
Companies with a surface area of 1.500m².
Write a request and receive an individual offer:
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